Tuesday 16 April 2013

Discouragement and disappointment

         I want to ask today a serious question. What do you do when you feel discouraged and disappointed in the LORD? Maybe you know the feeling, maybe you don't, but certainly there have been times when I have felt such things. Times when you feel alone, when you feel that God just doesn't want to get you and you ask for an honest discussion with God and somehow you feel it never comes. Things don't make sense and everything goes against you. And you pray for understanding , you pray for a guidance and it fails to appear. You feel lost and your sure thing, that God will be there and would not allow such a situation to happen to you , now seems demolished. And you feel drowning in a sea of uncertainty , in a differance between you and God , a distance that separates you that you can't cross and makes Him absolutely transcendent. Your thoughts feel like echoes in the dark right now.
          What do you do in such a situation? How do you deal with it? The short answer , which i have found to be true in my experience is this: in such situations you can show you faith. Because in reality things are not as you see them and this disappointment should not be there. But because our faith is not perfect, we expect things in return, we expect explanations and we expect things to go our way. Have you ever wondered why God, when i am so ardously praying for something, do You not give it to me? Have You not said "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"(Matthew 7:7)? Right, well consider this - if two people pray for opposing things, if God were to give them positive answers to their prayers, what would happen would be an impossible event. Thus, logically ,there must be an independent instance judging requests. So  God has not given us a hall pass to all wishes, but has gives us closeness to Him. And this is really the gift and the essence here. It's not that you can pray for things and you'll get them; it's that you can pray to God and be sure that He listens, He is there, He wants to talk to you, He wants you to get to know Him , He wants to open Himself to you. And this is the great gift that it is given here! So a short answer is this: you have no real reason to feel discouraged or disappointed. Things clear up in time , and in my own personal experience, God has never , ever , ever given up on me or let me down on something. And when i felt that He wold not listen to me or respond to me, i realized later that He was answering me but because what He was saying was not what i wanted to hear i ignored Him and felt like He was not answering, i pretended that He was not there, just because i could not accept His vision over what i thought would be right in that particular instance. So , have faith and trust in God because He is always there, He doesn't let you down and He actually, truthfully loves you. Now it is a given fact of life that from time to time things will look bleak, and you will not be able to see the outcome. But I think in times like these God wants us to just put our faith in Him and let ourselves be moved forward by Him in the direction which He chose. We should let ourselves be as lambs and let Him be our shepherd and trust in Him.So, even in times when our choices do not seem to be fulfilled, or in times that we do not see any choices, we should always be aware that He is with us.

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