Tuesday 8 January 2013

Faith and hope

       How many times have you felt hopeless? How many time shave you felt like nothing was going according to your will, like everything is upside down, like you are in a dead end and you can't see any light ahead? How many times situations in life seemed out of your hand, like you couldn't control them, like you could not accomplish within that situation that which you desired? Hopelessness... Bitter, dark, lonely hopelessness. Feeling like you are alone, in a dark, chilly room, surrounded only by your own feeling of despair... It's not a nice place to be... In fact it is a really bad place to be,and you should always keep in mind that people feeling like this need your help, your comforting and love because it is a tough situation to be in and an even tougher one to overcome. But do you do when you feel like this? What if you are in such a dark place , and seemingly no one of your friends and family understands; you feel like you are all alone...
      Well you should always think that there is One who understands because He is always with you, he always loves and supports you and He is always by your side. He is Jesus Christ and you should know that when you are to face such times and conundrums in life He is always there for you. Why? To put it simply because He loves you.We should always be hopeful in the LORD because He, our Redeemer has never failed us, has always kept His promises and never lets you go out of His own will. 
      Rest assured that no matter who you are , you have to pass through such times in life. And why does our Good LORD  us to pass through crises like this? Well it is not our place to judge His actions but think about this:"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.".(Revelation 3:19).What does this say? That the LORD allows such things to happen out of love for us. And I know that answer is hard to digest and even harder to be at peace with but truly this explains it all. Because such times of crisis make you a better person all around if you consider the LORD and learn something from it. It either shows you your mistakes and keeps you away from them or makes you a stronger person. But we should not think of the LORD as a punishing LORD and fear Him instead of loving Him. Fear must never surpass or replace love. But we should acknowledge that whenever He punishes us , He is with us in the suffering of that punishment to make it bearable and to make sure that the punishment does not hurt us , to make sure it doesn't have a negative effect but rather the punishment affects us in a positive way. And to exemplify this think of the book of Job. Now the situation described there , at first glance , seems to be absurd: God makes bets with Satan , allowing Satan to hurt good men just to prove Himself right. But in the end even Job realizes it is not like that , but he is called to show his love for the LORD and the LORD shows that He was with Job through all his afflictions. Remember that each times the LORD sets boundaries to which extent can Job be hurt.And although his friends put forward a discourse on guilt and punishment, when God reveals Himself from within the thunderstorm He shows that you can not judge in mere terms of guild and punishment, but you have to understand punishment through love, and see in the punishment a form a love. This is very, very hard to do; to see in your own punishment a form of love. But as difficult as it is to have this view of the matter , it is just as easily to transcend this difficulty; all it takes is love. If you love the LORD how can you doubt His love? How can you not see His love in everything He does and not see everything He does as His love.
      And now let's think of this passage from 1 Corinthians,13:"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." Thus it is shown to us that all there is, is because of love and resides in love. So , what to do if you feel hopelessness? Fill yourself with love so you can be filled with love by our LORD Jesus Christ. Think this is just a moment to pass , and the LORD is there , with you, to guide you through. So seek His guidance. And be strong, be strong in faith , in hope and in love. The source of all your strength is love, is His love! So seek it above everything else, because it is the most precious and the one that is already there for you. It is something that you know for sure it exists, that you know for sure is good for you , that you know for sure is available to you. Willingly this love is given to you above everything else so seek it first- be repentant, openhearted, faithful and love your LORD and your neighbor with all your being. And when all other lights have faded know that you have a light that never fades- Jesus Christ.Read His word, pray to Him, talk to Him, seek Him and His kingdom above everything else. Fill your mind and your heart with Him and His Word. Faith in Him, hope in Him and love for Him prevails against anything else. He is the Lights that shines when all other lights have faded: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."(John 1:5)

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